I can’t imagine. It’s just devastating. I’m glad to find you and your writing here too. I look forward to reading more.

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Thank you so much Annette!

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Kat, what a thoughtful and hopeful tribute in such a horrible tragedy. We too have been to Lahaina and enjoyed the lovely banyan tree. I hope it survived and provides inspiration and comfort as the survivors of this terrible event mourn their losses and begin to rebuild their town and their lives.

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Thank you, Scott. Did you, by any chance get any photos of Lahaina and/or the banyan tree?

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we did (pre-digital) - prints and slides, which we can scan

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Kat, I'm so sorry. My wife and I had planned to visit Maui last month, but our plans were derailed. In some ways I'm glad they were. It would have been too painful to have just come to know a place and then see it destroyed. I can't imagine what it is like for someone who lived there and, especially for the people who live there now. Thank you for the beautiful reflection and call to action.

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Annette, so nice to see you here and thank you for the kind words. It is heartbreaking beyond words and I feel the wisdom of your relief at having your plans derailed. As with so many of the recent tragedies worldwide, it is heartening to see how good people are coming together in response. Oh, but how much courage we need to press on. I'm honored and humbled that you found inspiration in my writing. Mahalo.

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Kat Fitzpatrick

Kat… this is beautifully written and I needed to read this today. After living in both Maui and Honolulu over the years, my heart has been broken as I watched the devastation. But your words have indeed given me hope. Thank you.

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Thank you, Jana. I know there is a long way to go and nothing will magically erase the suffering … if our words and perspectives can help shift the tide toward then I’m grateful to be a part of that. 💜

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