Thanks, Kat. There seems such a blurred line separating "worthy cause" from "quagmire" to "lost cause," especially when viewed in real time. These lines are so much easier to see from a distance. I wonder, in the case of Viet Nam, would more funding have changed outcomes really? Or had that already slipped over the "lost cause" line? And who knew this and for how long? Do many questions.

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It really is hard to judge in hindsight, although I do think most analysts would agree that by '74-75, the American approach to "saving" South Vietnam through a peaceful ceasefire was impossible. More ammunition and other military supplies at that point would be like sending in a bag of footballs to a team that was clothed only with blinders and without a coach or a playbook, to put it lightly. Where the entire downward spiral began still seems to a matter of speculation. As you said, so many blurry lines.

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This timely piece reminds us that we forget the past at our peril, for we are then doomed to repeat it.

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Thank you, Karen. I was so immersed in the history it wasn't until I hit "publish" that I realized how pertinent it is today. The hair at the nape of my neck rose then . . .

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