Dearest Sister Kat! Just finished your book, Sunday September 3, 2023 . Brilliant, riveting, an amazing and outstanding seminal work of art. Pulled at my heartstrings like nothing has for a very long time. I cried a lot while reading it and laughed some too. But mostly I was touched to my Soul. What can I say? But for deepest gratitude for your gift of writing this memoir ~ Your sister, Marina

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Thank you so much -- I'm so glad you enjoyed it! The many conversations with you about our time there helped me find my footing to write (and write) about the subject. Vietnam is a subject filled with tears, but yes, some laughter too--thank goodness. I so much appreciate your comment. Much love, Kat

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Congratulations, Kat! I've been looking forward to reading this ever since you first workshopped a piece of it! Such a powerful story. I'm ordering it today. And I appreciate that you are donating proceeds this month to support Maui families. I know both Vietnam and Maui pull at your heartstrings. Congratulations, again!

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Thanks so much, Annette. Yes, isn't that crazy? That workshop was in the fall of 2013, ten years ago. The complexity of the story demanded a lot of time to come to terms with the emotional details so I'm glad I took the time! I'll look forward to your thoughts--I do plan to publish an expanded version for the 50th anniversary of the Fall of Saigon, so feedback is welcomed.

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Sounds like a great plan! I still haven't published my memoir manuscript, so you have me beat!

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Dear Kat, I deeply admire anyone whose lens on war-related events is bringing (or connecting to) love. Celebrating the release of your book! 🙏🏻🌺🌼🌸🌻🌺

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Thank you, Dorota. The notion came to me from one of my father's letters. On January 27, 1974, he wrote to my mother: "Maybe I am just reflecting the exuberance of the season but especially right now I feel a very great closeness to Vietnam and the Vietnamese people—from the ragged kids in the streets to the elegant ladies I see in the cathedral at mass to the great talents I meet every day at the studio." The love he expressed there has echoed through all my work . . .

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It's a beautiful legacy, especially beautiful that it was a rare capacity your father had, for the time and for being freer than the "norm" around him...

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Aug 19, 2023Liked by Kat Fitzpatrick

I’m ordering this right now and sharing this link. So wonderful of you to do this. Double bonus for all of your fans. Thank you

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Many thanks, Jana! I'm grateful that I can help in this small way.

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Kat, this is wonderful. We are ordering your book and look forward to having you sign it one day. And what a great thing that you are supporting Maui at this terrible time.

In friendship,


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Thank you so much, Denise. I look forward to making a time to rendezvous and sign. My prayers are going out to Maui with this gesture of kokua (help). <3

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