Kat, thank you for sharing your father's thoughts after the war. It must have been such a painful time for him. I think that even after all these years these two countries have not faced the facts that there were atrocities committed on both sides, and not reparations, but repentance and forgiveness are in order, each for the other. That is the way to open the door to a future that is honest and "adult," to use your father's word. Again, thank you.

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Thank you, Denise, I really like the way you put that: "not reparations, but repentance and forgiveness are in order, each for the other." I think he would very much agree with those sentiments, even if they were not the words he could use in the public and political sphere. In a couple of weeks, I am going to feature a beautiful story of a woman who experiences, and expresses, these very sentiments. Slowly, slowly, we make our way more fully toward that treasured reconciliation. As always, I'm so grateful for your responses and reflections.

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