Thank you, Kat. Your question about the effectiveness of this public and horrific form of suicide is an interesting one which cuts through the emotional response we all have. I wonder if it depends on the intended effect? If the intent is to end a situation then probably not. But if the intent is a kind of unwritten manifesto stating "I can't live with this, can you?" then perhaps yes. This is a beautiful, painful, and necessary piece, and thanks again.

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Thank you so much for the comment, Denise. I did struggle as I considered writing this piece. Your observation about the role of intention helped me realize that that was part of what I had to contend with. What was my intention in writing about it? To claim an answer? No, I could only intend to widen the conversation and perhaps bring some context with a subject I work intimately with. I am grateful for your reflection that it was beautiful and necessary, thank you again.

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Oh my goodness, Kat. That is a powerful and thought provoking piece. Thanks for bringing that story to light and showing how that question still reverberates today.

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Thank you so much, Elyn. Not an easy one to write but it did feel important to capture. Your comment is so appreciated.

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