"The U.S., with its ideology of anti-Communism, meant nothing to the Vietnamese people in general and the Viet Cong were acting not for communism or against democracy, but for Vietnam and their right to self-rule." Had the US public ever learned this at the time, the American war in Vietnam would have been much, much shorter. Domino Theory, my a$$.

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Thanks for the comment, John! Isn't it something to think about how things might have been different had we but known. The loss of life and the emotional scarring that persists these many years later make it very difficult to contemplate.

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Post-WWII anti-Asian and racist sentiment ruled the day. Mao's Communists defeated the US-backed Nationalist Army in 1949 which kickstarted the UN defense of S. Korea which is a draw and we lost Vietnam because the American people and the world were lied to.

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